Today my life of best line in middle class man

         So to speak, thoughts and hopes
         That's what we're alive, 
         If these are omitted, son 
         Life will no longer be life. 

         तो बोलना, विचार और आशाएं
         यही वह है जो हम जीवित हैं, 
         अगर इन्हें छोड़ दिया जाता है, तो बेटा 
         जीवन अब जीवन नहीं रहेगा। 

          কবলৈ গ'লে চিন্তা আৰু আশা বোৰ
         লৈয়েইটো আমি জিয়াই আছোঁ, 
         এইবোৰ বাদ দিলে চোন 
         জীৱনটো জীৱন হৈয়ে নাথাকিব। 

"In the tapestry of existence, it is the threads of thoughts and hopes that give life its vibrant hues. They form the essence of our being, the very pulse that keeps us alive. Just as a painter meticulously chooses colors to create a masterpiece, our thoughts and hopes intricately weave the fabric of our days. Without them, life would be a mere existence, a barren landscape void of emotion. Like a melody without lyrics, a story without chapters, they infuse meaning into the mundane. Thus, we embrace them as the lifeblood of our journey, for without them, life's symphony would fall silent."

Thanks for reading my blog



Life of part

Life is a struggle